(function($) { $(function() { // full width container $('.fullwidth-container').each(function() { $(this).closest('.wsite-section.wsite-body-section').addClass('fullwidthsection'); }); $('.lightblue-overlap-container').each(function() { $(this).closest('.wsite-section.wsite-body-section').addClass('overlay-container-blue'); }); // *** use css animate for banner texts // fade in from above the main title $('.banner h2').addClass('animated fadeInUp').css('opacity',1); // fade in from under the second text $('.banner div.paragraph').addClass('animated fadeInUp').css('opacity',1); var iScrollPos = 0; var fixmenu = $('#navigation').offset().top; $(window).on('scroll', function(e) { var iCurScrollPos = $(this).scrollTop(); /*if (iCurScrollPos > iScrollPos) { $('body').removeClass('menu-to-show'); } else { $('body').addClass('menu-to-show'); } iScrollPos = iCurScrollPos;*/ if (iCurScrollPos >= fixmenu) { $('body').addClass("menu-fixed"); } else { $('body').removeClass("menu-fixed"); } }); $('input.input-calcs[data-value-input="dollar"]').each(function() { var _this = $(this), el = '
'; //_this.before(el); }); $('input.input-calcs[data-value-input="percentage"]').each(function() { var _this = $(this), el = '
'; //_this.after(el); }); $('#mobile-menu-trigger').click(function() { $('body').addClass('mobile-menu-open'); $('#mobile-menu').slideDown(); }); $('#close-mobile-menu').click(function() { $('body').removeClass('mobile-menu-open'); $('#mobile-menu').slideUp(); }); // pop up $('.actions__consult').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('body').addClass('popup-open'); }); $('#contact-pop-up-close').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('body').removeClass('popup-open'); }); }); // document ready $(window).load(function() { // fade in buttons in banner $('.banner .wsite-button').addClass('animated fadeIn').css('opacity',1); // stay fix on top $('#navigation-wrap').css('height',$('#navigation').outerHeight()); }) }(jQuery)); // calculators // MORTGAGE CALCULATOR BEGIN ----------------------- function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.0 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i 95) total_rate = 0; else if (PercentFinanced > 90) total_rate = 3.6; else if (PercentFinanced > 85) total_rate = 2.4; else if (PercentFinanced > 80) total_rate = 1.8; return total_rate; } function mortgagePayment(nAmount, nRate, nAmort) { var nAmortMonths = nAmort * 12; var nPaymentsPer6Months = 6; return (nAmount / ( (1 / ( Math.pow((1 + nRate / 200), (1 / nPaymentsPer6Months )) - 1) ) * (1 - Math.pow((1 + nRate / 200), (-nAmortMonths / nPaymentsPer6Months)) ) ) ); } function currencyString(nNumber) { nNumDec = 2; if (nNumber > 999999) nNumDec = 0; var str = "" + Math.round(nNumber * Math.pow(10,nNumDec)); while (str.length <= nNumDec) { str = "0" + str; } var decpoint = str.length - nNumDec; var result = commaFmt(str.substring(0,decpoint) + "." + str.substring(decpoint,str.length)); // var result = str.substring(0,decpoint) + "." + str.substring(decpoint,str.length); if (result.charAt(result.length - 1) == ".") result = result.substring(0, result.length - 1); return result; } function doCalcOnForm(form) { var bCMHCAlert = true; var nDownPayment = 0; var nFirstMortgage = 0; var nCMHCPremium = 0; var nTotalFinancing = 0; var nPayment = 0; var nExpenses = 0; var nTotal = 0; var nIncome = 0; var Amortization = form.io_amortization.options[form.io_amortization.selectedIndex].value; if (Amortization == 30) alert("CMHC will not insure amortization terms of over 25 years. CMHC premium set to 0."); if (checkForm(form)) { var nCounter = 0; for (nCounter = 1; nCounter <= 3; nCounter++) { // form[("percent_down" + nCounter)].value = (form[("down_payment" + nCounter)].value / form.io_price.value) * 100; dp = form[("down_payment" + nCounter)].value; dp = dp.replace(/^\$/, "").replace(/,/g, ""); price = form.io_price.value; price = price.replace(/^\$/, "").replace(/,/g, ""); // tmp = (parseFloat(form[("down_payment" + nCounter)].value) / parseFloat(form.io_price.value)) * 100; tmp = (parseFloat(dp) / parseFloat(price)) * 100; form[("percent_down" + nCounter)].value = Math.round(tmp*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2); // calculate downpayment nDownPayment = (filterNum(form.io_price.value)) * (Number(form[("percent_down" + nCounter)].value) / 100); nFirstMortgage = (filterNum(form.io_price.value) - nDownPayment); form[("first_mortgage" + nCounter)].value = currencyString(nFirstMortgage); nCMHCPremium = (CMHCRate(Number(form[("percent_down" + nCounter)].value), form.io_amortization.options[form.io_amortization.selectedIndex].value)) * (nFirstMortgage) / 100; form[("cmhc" + nCounter)].value = currencyString(nCMHCPremium); nTotalFinancing = nFirstMortgage + nCMHCPremium; form[("total_financing" + nCounter)].value = currencyString(nTotalFinancing); nPayment = mortgagePayment(nTotalFinancing, Number(form.io_interest.value), (Number(form.io_amortization.options[form.io_amortization.selectedIndex].value))); form[("monthly_payment" + nCounter)].value = currencyString(nPayment); nExpenses = ( (Number(filterNum(form.io_heating.value)) + Number(filterNum(form.io_taxes.value)) ) /12 + Number(filterNum(form.io_condo.value))); form[("expenses" + nCounter)].value = currencyString(nExpenses); nTotal = nExpenses + nPayment; form[("total_payment" + nCounter)].value = currencyString(nTotal); nIncome = nTotal * 12 / (Number(form.io_gds.value) / 100); form[("income_required" + nCounter)].value = currencyString(nIncome); } } else { clearResults(form); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function formatRealNum(theNum,decplaces) { // *** STOP USING THIS *** // USE format_Real // FORMAT A REAL NUMBER TO THE DESIRED DECIMAL PLACE var str = Math.round(parseFloat(filterNum(theNum.value)) * Math.pow(10,decplaces)); str = ""+str; while (str.length <= decplaces) { str = "0" + str; } var decpoint = str.length - decplaces; return str.substring(0,decpoint) + "." + str.substring(decpoint,str.length); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function formatInteger(theNum) { // *** STOP USING THIS *** // USE format_Integer // FORMAT AN INTEGER var str = Math.round(parseFloat(filterNum(theNum.value))); str = ""+str; return str; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function formatNum(theNum,decplaces,addcommas) { // *** STOP USING THIS *** // USE format_NUMBER // FORMAT NUMERIC DATA var str = ""+theNum.value; if ((str == "") || (str == "null")) { theNum.value = ""; return false; } if (decplaces == 0) { var fmtdnum = formatInteger(theNum,decplaces); } else { var fmtdnum = formatRealNum(theNum,decplaces); } if (addcommas) { fmtdnum = commaFmt(fmtdnum); } theNum.value = fmtdnum; return true } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function popupIsEmpty(theMenuObj) { var theSelection = theMenuObj.selectedIndex; if (theSelection <= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function scrub_RollNum(theNum,otherAllowed,minWildcardPosition) { // REMOVE ALL NON-NUMERIC CHARS EXCEPT FOR PROGRAMMER SPECIFIED 'OTHER' ALLOWABLE CHARS var result = ""; var allowed = ""; otherAllowed +=""; if (otherAllowed == 'undefined') otherAllowed = ""; allowed = "0123456789"+ otherAllowed; result = scrub_String(theNum,allowed); // remove commas from the end of the string for(i=result.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if(result.charAt(i) != ",") break; result = result.substring(0,i); } if (minWildcardPosition) result = parse_Wildcards (result,minWildcardPosition); return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function scrub_String(theStr,charsAllowed,charsAllowedOnce) { // eliminate all unwanted chars var result = ""; var specialCharAt = -1; var specialChar = ""; for(i=0;i<=theStr.length;i++) { theChar = theStr.charAt(i); if (charsAllowed.indexOf(theChar) != -1) result +=theChar; else if (charsAllowedOnce){ specialCharAt = charsAllowedOnce.indexOf(theChar); if (specialCharAt != -1) { result += theChar; // remove the char from the list so it will not be allowed charsAllowedOnce = charsAllowedOnce.substring(0,specialCharAt) + charsAllowedOnce.substring(specialCharAt+1,charsAllowedOnce.length); // specialChar = charsAllowedOnce.charAt(specialCharAt-1); // charsAllowedOnce = charsAllowedOnce.replace(specialChar,""); } } } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function filterNum(theNum) { var minusStr = ""; var result = ""; if (theNum.indexOf("-") != -1) minusStr = "-"; result = scrub_String(theNum,"0123456789",".") if (result == "") return ""; else return minusStr + result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function commaFmt(numEle) { var tempStr = ""+numEle; // already has commas var charCheck = tempStr.indexOf(","); if ((charCheck+0) >= 0) { return numEle; } // separate the decimal from the whole number var decStr = ""; var decInt = tempStr.indexOf("."); if (decInt!=-1) { decStr = tempStr.substring(decInt,tempStr.length); tempStr = tempStr.substring(0,decInt); } // if negative - save sign var isNeg = false; if (tempStr.indexOf("-")!=-1) { isNeg=true; tempStr=tempStr.substring(1,tempStr.length); } // short - no commas needed if (tempStr.length<=3) { return numEle; } // add commas var newStr = ""; var jInt = 0; for (var iInt=tempStr.length-1;iInt>=0;iInt--) { jInt++; newStr = tempStr.charAt(iInt) + newStr; if (jInt%3==0) { if (iInt-1>=0) { newStr = ","+newStr; } } } // re-assemble the parts if (decInt!=-1) newStr = newStr + decStr; if (isNeg) newStr = "-"+newStr; return newStr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function format_Real(theNum,decplaces) { // FORMAT A REAL NUMBER TO THE DESIRED DECIMAL PLACE var str = filterNum(theNum); str = Math.round(parseFloat(str) * Math.pow(10,decplaces)); str = ""+str; while (str.length <= decplaces) { str = "0" + str; } var decpoint = str.length - decplaces; return str.substring(0,decpoint) + "." + str.substring(decpoint,str.length); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function format_Integer(theNum) { // FORMAT AN INTEGER var str = filterNum(theNum); str = Math.round(parseFloat(str)); return ""+str; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function format_Number(theNum,decplaces,addcommas) { // FORMAT NUMERIC DATA var str = ""+theNum; if ((str == "") || (str == "null")) return ""; if (decplaces == 0) var fmtdnum = format_Integer(str,decplaces); else var fmtdnum = format_Real(str,decplaces); if (addcommas) fmtdnum = commaFmt(fmtdnum); // if (isNaN(fmtdnum)) // return ""; return fmtdnum; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function validateNum(theNum,decplaces,min,max,addcommas) { // VALIDATE & FORMAT USER INUPT var str = filterNum(theNum.value); if ((str == "") || (str == "null")) { theNum.value = ""; return false; } var tmpFloat = parseFloat(filterNum(theNum.value)); if (tmpFloat < min || tmpFloat > max) { alert("Please enter a number between " + min + " and " + max + "."); theNum.value = ""; theNum.focus(); return false; } if (decplaces == 0) { var fmtdnum = formatInteger(theNum,decplaces); } else { var fmtdnum = formatRealNum(theNum,decplaces); } if (addcommas) { fmtdnum = commaFmt(fmtdnum); } theNum.value = fmtdnum; return true } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function validatePrice(theNum,min,max,addcommas) { // VALIDATE & FORMAT USER INUPT var str = filterNum(theNum.value); if ((str == "") || (str == "null")) { theNum.value = ""; return false; } var tmpFloat = parseFloat(filterNum(theNum.value)); if (tmpFloat < min || tmpFloat > max) { alert("Please enter a number between " + min + " and " + max + "."); theNum.value = ""; theNum.focus(); return false; } if (tmpFloat < 100) { decplaces = 2; } else { decplaces = 0; } if (decplaces == 0) { var fmtdnum = formatInteger(theNum,decplaces); } else { var fmtdnum = formatRealNum(theNum,decplaces); } if (addcommas) { fmtdnum = commaFmt(fmtdnum); } theNum.value = fmtdnum; return true } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SUBMIT VALIDATION //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function str_Empty (theFormObj){ if (theFormObj.value+"" == "null") return true; else if (theFormObj.value == "") return true; return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function popup_Empty(theMenuObj) { var theSelection = theMenuObj.selectedIndex; if (theSelection == -1) return true; else if (theMenuObj.options[theSelection].value == '') return true; else return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function field_Empty (theFormObj){ if (!theFormObj) { //alert("Please report this to systems support.\nUNKOWN FORM OBJECT"+theFormObj); //return false; return false; } // alert("field_Empty: " + theFormObj.name + " / " + theFormObj.type); var theType = theFormObj.type; if (theType.indexOf('select') != -1) return popup_Empty(theFormObj) else return str_Empty (theFormObj) } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function list_Empty(theMenuObj) { var isEmpty = true; for(i=1;i=0; sc_i--) { if(result.charAt(sc_i) != ",") break; result = result.substring(0,sc_i); } } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // onChange='return scrub_select_mult(this, 5);' // function scrub_select_mult(elem, maxn) { var valid = true; var cnt = 0; for (var i=0; i maxn) { valid = false; alert("You can select only " + maxn + " items in the list"); elem.options[i].selected = false; } } } else { elem.options[i].selected = false; } } return valid; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Postal Code Check and Scrub space function checkPostal(theObject,removeSpace) { var a = theObject.value; var b = ""; var u = ""; var numString="1234567890"; var failed = false; a = scrub_Text(a,true); a = scrub_String_Unwanted(a," "); if (a.length < 1) return true; for(i=0;i<=5;i++) { var u = a.charAt(i); if (i==1||i==3||i==5) { if (!isNum(u)) failed=true; } else { if (isChar(u)) u=u.toUpperCase(); else failed=true; } var b = b + u; } if (!removeSpace) b = b.substring(0,3)+" "+b.substring(3,6); theObject.value = b; return !(failed); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function isNum(inString) { if(inString.length!=1) return false; var refString="1234567890"; if (refString.indexOf(inString,0) == -1) return false; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function isChar(inString) { if(inString.length!=1) return false; var refString="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCEDFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; if (refString.indexOf(inString,0) == -1) return false; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // USED FUNCTIONS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function replace_Char (unwantedChar,wantedChar,theStr) { while ((x=theStr.indexOf(unwantedChar)) != -1) { theStr = theStr.substring(0,x) + wantedChar + theStr.substring(x+unwantedChar.length,theStr.length); } return theStr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function scrub_String_Unwanted(theStr,charsUnwanted) { // eliminate all unwanted chars var result = ""; var theChar = ""; var ok = true; var i = 0; for(i=0;i<=theStr.length;i++) { theChar = theStr.charAt(i); if (theChar == '"') // really bad ones result += "`" else if (theChar == "'") result += "`" // else if (theChar == "`") // theChar = "" else if (charsUnwanted.indexOf(theChar) == -1) result += theChar; } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function parse_Wildcards (theStr,minWildcardPosition) { theStr = scrub_String_Unwanted(theStr,"%_"); if (minWildcardPosition == 0) { if (theStr.indexOf("*") != -1 || theStr.indexOf("?") != -1 ) { alert("Wildcards are not allowed in this field."); theStr = replace_Char("*","",theStr); theStr = replace_Char("?","",theStr); } } else { var tmpStr = theStr.substring(0,minWildcardPosition); if (tmpStr.indexOf("*") != -1 || tmpStr.indexOf("?") != -1 ) { alert("A wildcard can only be used after character " + minWildcardPosition + " in this field."); theStr = replace_Char("*","",theStr); theStr = replace_Char("?","",theStr); } else { var x = theStr.indexOf("*"); if (x != -1) { tmpStr = theStr.substring(x+1,theStr.length); if (tmpStr.indexOf("*") != -1 ) { alert("Only one * wildcard is allowed in this field."); theStr = replace_Char("*","",theStr); theStr = replace_Char("?","",theStr); } } } } return theStr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function scrub_Text (theStr,makeUpper,minWildcardPosition,allowQuotes) { // strip spaces off ends of string theStr += ""; if (theStr == "null" || theStr == "") return ""; for(var i=0; i=0; i--) { if(theStr.charAt(i) != " ") break; theStr = theStr.substring(0,i); } var perc = ""; if (makeUpper) { theStr = theStr.toUpperCase(); perc = "%_"; } if (allowQuotes != 'true') theStr = scrub_String_Unwanted(theStr,perc); if (minWildcardPosition && minWildcardPosition > '') theStr = parse_Wildcards (theStr,minWildcardPosition); return theStr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Date & Time Entry and Formating // ANK - May, 1999 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function format_date(d) { if (!d.getTime()) return "Invalid Date"; var y = d.getFullYear(); var m = d.toString().substring(4,7); var a = d.getDate(); return a + "-" + m.toUpperCase() + "-" + y; // return m + " " + a + ", " + y; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function format_time(d) { if (!d.getTime()) return "Invalid Time"; var h = d.getHours(); h = (h<10)?("0"+h):(""+h); var m = d.getMinutes(); m = (m<10)?("0"+m):(""+m); var s = d.getSeconds(); s = (s<10)?("0"+s):(""+s); return h + ":" + m + ":" + s; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* function join_date(date, time, type, def_date) { if ((!date)&&(!time)) return ""; if (!date) { var d; if (def_date) d = new Date(def_date); else d = new Date(); date = format_date(d); } if (!time) { switch (type) { case "start": time = "00:00:00"; break; case "end": time = "23:59:59"; break; case "current": time = format_time(new Date()); break; case "default": time = format_time(new Date(def_date)); break; default: return ""; } } return date + " " + time; } */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function scrub_Date(theStr, def_date) { var str = String(theStr); if ((!str)||(str == "")) { return ""; } var p; while((p=str.indexOf("-")) >= 0) str = str.substring(0,p) + " " + str.substring(p+1,str.length); var c; if (def_date) c = new Date(def_date); else c = new Date(); var d = new Date(str); if (!d.getTime()) { d = new Date(str + " " + c.getFullYear()); } if (!d.getTime()) { d = new Date((c.getMonth()+1) + "/" + str + " " + c.getFullYear()); } if (!d.getTime()) { return ""; } var x = c.getFullYear(); var y = d.getFullYear(); if (y < x-10) { d.setFullYear(x-10); } if (y > x+10) { d.setFullYear(x+10); } return format_date(d); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function date_format_help() { alert('Date: \n \n' + 'Please use one of the following formats:\n' + '"31-MAY-1999" or\n' + '"May 31 1999", "05/31/1999", "May 31", "31"'); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function scrub_Time(theStr) { var str = String(theStr); if ((!str)||(str == "")) { return ""; } var p, pm=""; str = str.toUpperCase(); if ((p=str.indexOf("PM")) >= 0) { pm = "PM"; str = str.substring(0,p); } if ((p=str.indexOf("AM")) >= 0) { pm = "AM"; str = str.substring(0,p); } while((p=str.indexOf(" :")) >= 0) str = str.substring(0,p) + str.substring(p+1,str.length); while(str.charAt(str.length-1) == " ") str = str.substring(0,str.length-1); var d = new Date("Jan 1, 1970 " + str + " " + pm); if (!d.getTime()) { d = new Date("1/1/1970 " + str + ":00" + " " + pm); } if (d.getTime()) { if ((pm=="AM") && (d.getHours()==12)) d.setHours(0); if ((pm=="PM") && (d.getHours()==0)) d.setHours(12); return format_time(d); } else { alert("Invalid time: " + theStr +"\n \n" + "Please use one of the following formats:\n" + "14:15:00, 14:15, 14 or 2 PM"); return ""; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------ New style Functions --------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function _not_ready(elem, msg) { elem.form._relem = elem; elem.form._ready = false; setTimeout("alert('" + msg + "');", 1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function try_to_submit(fm) { for (var i=0; i numb) { res = res.substring(0,numb); _not_ready(elem, 'The text was longer than '+ numb +' characters. It has been truncated.'); } elem.value = res; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // MORTGAGE CALCULATOR END -----------------------